- Keep your hands off your face. Do not pop or feel the lesions. This can spread infection and popping leads to scars.
- Research the products you will be using on your face. Foundation, sun block, and moisturizers should be labeled as noncomedogenic, meaning not clogging to the pores. If current products are not working, plan your action to begin switching out.
- Keep your hair clean. If it’s touching your face these oils may be transferring to your skin. If you are in the battle trenches against acne, consider a hair style away from the face.
- Here’s what may be a new one to you: Wash your pillowcase often! This is the same principle as your hair. The oil is gathering on the case, creating an environment for bacteria to grow. Rotating 3 pillowcases a week will keep you clean and not bogged down in laundry.
- Acne on your back? Follow the same procedure for the pillow cases! Any material is a bed for bacteria. Sleep shirtless? Fresh air is healing, but then you must consider changing your sheets every 2 days.
- Examine your diet and research which foods may be known to irritate acne prone skin. Oranges are very anti-acne, so have one at least once a day, if not more. Food high in animal fats are also known to create unhealthiness from the inside out. Food high in Vitamin B and its family are known to heal acne.
- Wash your face with soap specifically made to fight acne. Those with perfume and chemicals may make the condition worse. Always blot dry. Do not dry in a rough way.
- Eliminate as much worry and stress from your life as possible. Stress is known to cause a hormonal imbalance in both men and women. Hormones are the basis for acne.
- If you are using any sort of acne product prescribed by your doctor or one recommended otc by him, realize you will need to give the product 3 months to work. Don’t give up or become discouraged if it works at first and then seems to do nothing. Acne heals in stages. You may experience what you feel is a setback when, in reality, a break out is the actual core of the acne surfacing to be dealt with.
- Be careful of tanning and tanning beds or lamps. UVA lights dilate the blood vessels; the heat will accentuate the acne.
- The use of certain medications such as Cortisone can again dilate and raise the body temperature and change the level in hormones. Know what you are taking and possible side effects.
- Keep a diary. Even the most mundane acts in life may be aggravating a case of acne or levitating it. Stay aware of what you are doing.
No matter what suggested treatments given, the sincerity of eliminating this skin problem lies on your hands. This article hopes to give you ideas what are the best acne scar treatments to be applied.
Will You Try Natural Ways to Cure Your Acne? This regularly updated, essential guide includes information that allows you to discover what you absolutely must know about acne treatment – Especially if you are really trying hard to cure your acne…Click here to go check it out now! |
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